I had my first proper lesson in Japan today. Firstly, let me tok a little about my special class of 11. It's really a myriad of international students. We have 4 Japanese teachers. The class consists of a french guy, (who stays in my block!) 3 Taiwanese ladies, a guy from Iceland, a guy from US, another 3 ladies each from Hungary, Spain and Switzerland. And of cus, not forgetting my dear Singaporean comrade Steph who is also in my class. It is really very different here as compared to Singapore cus you experienced different cultures right in the class itself. For example, the US guy was so casual in his speech. He actually addressed the teacher directly by her name! Her name is Miki and he called her "Mi-chan" (an affectionate term to address girls or ladies) The teacher got a shock at first and of cus we all got a shock cus we would never call our teachers that. It is always the family name followed by Sensei (i.e teacher). But the shock never ended, the Icelander was the next to call the teacher by her name too. haa... many funny things happened in class. We all had a round of introduction and of course proper lessons after that. It wasn't too hard for Steph and myself cus it was all taught before. Take it as a form of revision.
No. 2nd first. I cooked! A proper meal!! I cooked curry first time in my life. And it wasn't the instant curry paste. It was the paste I imported from Singapore, my own home's kitchen. And it tastes great! Heh.. not that I wanna boast but Steph agrees so. Right? Ok lah.. can be improved. More gravy the next time round. But It was great to have some home cook food and also satisfying meal you done up yourself. And of course it includes Steph's special concoction porriage of eggs and salt. It was so soft and smooth! eh.. Supposed to be rice but we din know how to use the rice cooker! Till our Japanese gets better... But of course, no pain no gain. I cut my finger while removing the potato skin. Quite a deep cut and it was bleeding non stop. Ok now... the funny thing is Steph was limping when she arrived at my house. She hurt her toe while cycling here. Accident prone Singaporeans.
Ok.. till then.. and I really can't wait to call home to tell my mum I succeeded in cooking curry!
And yes! The sun was out today! No rain at all. And there was the cue man, everyone came outdoors and for once I could feel the human presence in my block. Some were airing their blankets, some clothes and others just simply allowing the cool breeze to enter. I hope more sunny days will come!
My proud production!
Our sumptous meal =)
We Finished everything!
oh.... my bruise. Not exaggerating right..