Well just remembered some funny incidents regarding the word cute. I say it is funny not because you will be rolling on the floor with tears in your eyes when you read it but it is just well funny... erm..
Ok story goes like this, I had this Taiwanese friend, Cindy who always says I am very cute. When I talk or say something, expecting her to give me an answer at times, she will burst in giggles and then squeak " Ahh you are so cute!" and at worst times, she calls me "ke ai". Frankly I am rather amused by her behaviour rather than feeling flattered. But then again I figured, taiwanese are pretty much like Japanese at times. Cute is a word like Kawaii, used too often to describe anything you probably don't have a very apt word for. Whatever...
Then on one fine saturday night, I went to a club in Nagoya with my friends. There were 2 black bouncers standing at the entrance. They were obviously not very friendly looking because they stood with their arms folded and a frown across their faces. They were like scrutinising anyone that goes in. Well obviously that is their job, to deter trouble-makers. So I was about to walk in when one of them points at me. And that instance, I panicked... cus I thought they wanted to check my ID. And I was half-cursing inside my head, "I looked so young meh" But well, before I could fish out my wallet, he broke into a grin and he exclaimed " You are so cute!"
My friend and I was stunned for a moment. But of course, we quickly recovered and I murmured a thank you to him... wooh... of course my friend found it so amusing that she was laughing at me the whole night... ok half the night till she got high. And then the same thing happened when I left the club at the closing time. Everyone was going out orderly and the bouncers were standing at the door with the same pose and expression, not saying a word to anyone. When I walked past him, he again smiled at me and he was like "genki?" Yet another joke for my friends to last them till the first train to go home...
Then it was in Taipei. Was eating in a small eatery with Owen one day when I went to the toilet. When I returned, there was a little girl sitting at our seat chatting with him. She didn't turn to look at me until Owen introduced me as his friend. At that, she turned to look at me and before I could say anything, she clasped both her hands together and she exclaimed " You are so cute!". Wah this time I was really stunned. Turned to Owen who burst out laughing. There got me pretty irritated at times cus I will be asking him something sometimes and his reply will be that's because you look cute... Seriously, I was really wondering what are kids nowadays learning... She is only 7! And to think she said that to me... That should have been my line!
Crazy incidents.. What is your definition of cute??
Hanami.... Beyond words can describe
The best possible season in Japan is in early April…. Where the cherry blossoms blooms. You just cannot imagine how pretty the streets became when a whole string of cherry blossoms line on each side of them. Imagine this now… cycling in the cool breeze, with occasional pink and white little petals falling and sweeping across your face. Everything jut looks so sweet and peaceful… Yes, that's what I like to do! Cycle in the cool breeze, breathing in the sweet scent the flowers bring along with them. No wonder there this is saying that spring is the season for love. When one sees the sakuras, they will feel like falling in love… not at a lie at all!
Anyway I had my friend Peiling who came to visit me right after I came back from Taipei. So it was another round of enjoying and touring for me as we went to Kyoto, Yamanashi and Tokyo.
First we did the traditional Hanami in Okazaki with my teachers and classmates. See, this is something tour groups probably cannot offer. While basically Japanese will go picnicking under the trees, drink lots of beer and play some games. It was just such a great feeling sitting under the beautiful trees in Minami Koen. And really it is amazing how everyone was doing Hanami during that period of time. A pretty interesting sight we saw was people doning suits gathered , sitting under the trees. Those were probably company functions. But all the same, they put mats on the floor and started drinking, eating and singing as they get more drunk…Some were even shouting cheers. Those who know Peiling ask her how she feels! But nevertheless both of us felt it was a good morale-boasting activity.
Ok then we went Kyoto… well nothing much interesting cus I have been there like thrice… skip to Yamanashi…
First time there. Great place! Mt Fuji is breath-taking! Of course I have seen it several times when I travel to Tokyo but never really stop to take a good look at it. Of course, the lakes surrounding it is super beautiful too. So much so that, I have made it my goal to climb Mt Fuji in July with Carol. Yes! I am preparing to scale it now! Yamanashi is really a beautiful place… and really all thanks to Owen again who drove us around the whole day. And Steve who put us up for the night. It was fun though at first cus we played a little prank on Steve. We told him we can’t speak any English at all so he was forced to speak to me in his limited Japanese. Well i.e he and Peiling didn’t speak for the first hour. He's such a nice guy though his language is as dirty as Owen's. Peiling and I were of course trying to stifle our laughter and not reacting to anything he says. (Peiling: Rememeber the little bitch) But of course later when we revealed that we actually understood English he was so shocked! Haaa for revenge he made us stay uptill about 3+ in the morning talking to him. It was a great chat though. Yet pretty strange cus we shared lots about our lives and even intimate details. Well Of course Peiling and Owen knows a great deal about me but it was comfortable talking to Steve too.
Anyway, next morning, Owen took us out to see Mt Fuji again and then after lunch to this super beautiful park and we just laid there the whole day in the sun… It's been such a long time since I ever sat in the sun. It was total bliss as 3 of us just laid there refusing to budge. Esp with the soft grass underneath... Don't wanna move again...

Our driver and guide...
The best possible season in Japan is in early April…. Where the cherry blossoms blooms. You just cannot imagine how pretty the streets became when a whole string of cherry blossoms line on each side of them. Imagine this now… cycling in the cool breeze, with occasional pink and white little petals falling and sweeping across your face. Everything jut looks so sweet and peaceful… Yes, that's what I like to do! Cycle in the cool breeze, breathing in the sweet scent the flowers bring along with them. No wonder there this is saying that spring is the season for love. When one sees the sakuras, they will feel like falling in love… not at a lie at all!
Anyway I had my friend Peiling who came to visit me right after I came back from Taipei. So it was another round of enjoying and touring for me as we went to Kyoto, Yamanashi and Tokyo.
First we did the traditional Hanami in Okazaki with my teachers and classmates. See, this is something tour groups probably cannot offer. While basically Japanese will go picnicking under the trees, drink lots of beer and play some games. It was just such a great feeling sitting under the beautiful trees in Minami Koen. And really it is amazing how everyone was doing Hanami during that period of time. A pretty interesting sight we saw was people doning suits gathered , sitting under the trees. Those were probably company functions. But all the same, they put mats on the floor and started drinking, eating and singing as they get more drunk…Some were even shouting cheers. Those who know Peiling ask her how she feels! But nevertheless both of us felt it was a good morale-boasting activity.
Ok then we went Kyoto… well nothing much interesting cus I have been there like thrice… skip to Yamanashi…
First time there. Great place! Mt Fuji is breath-taking! Of course I have seen it several times when I travel to Tokyo but never really stop to take a good look at it. Of course, the lakes surrounding it is super beautiful too. So much so that, I have made it my goal to climb Mt Fuji in July with Carol. Yes! I am preparing to scale it now! Yamanashi is really a beautiful place… and really all thanks to Owen again who drove us around the whole day. And Steve who put us up for the night. It was fun though at first cus we played a little prank on Steve. We told him we can’t speak any English at all so he was forced to speak to me in his limited Japanese. Well i.e he and Peiling didn’t speak for the first hour. He's such a nice guy though his language is as dirty as Owen's. Peiling and I were of course trying to stifle our laughter and not reacting to anything he says. (Peiling: Rememeber the little bitch) But of course later when we revealed that we actually understood English he was so shocked! Haaa for revenge he made us stay uptill about 3+ in the morning talking to him. It was a great chat though. Yet pretty strange cus we shared lots about our lives and even intimate details. Well Of course Peiling and Owen knows a great deal about me but it was comfortable talking to Steve too.
Anyway, next morning, Owen took us out to see Mt Fuji again and then after lunch to this super beautiful park and we just laid there the whole day in the sun… It's been such a long time since I ever sat in the sun. It was total bliss as 3 of us just laid there refusing to budge. Esp with the soft grass underneath... Don't wanna move again...
Cherry Blossoms... beautiful beyond description
Picnic at Minami Koen
See the groups of Japanese at the back too?
The teachers going wild at games! Had great fun!
One of the famous lakes near Fuji
More Cherry Blossoms!
Peiling and I.. totally in the spring mood...
Strolling under the cherry blossoms... Kimochi ii!
Our driver and guide...
The long- time no see sun... ahh... bliss...
A long time since I updated my blog… where shall I start?
Well well… left Japan for a week to have some fun in Taipei. Went with my friend Owen, and met up with lots of friends there. Let’s see…
First few days, all thanks to So san who drove us everywhere, we managed to go to Yang Ming Hill, Jiu Fen, and well many places which I can’t even name off hand. It’s hard to describe everything in detail but we had lots of good food! Chou Dou Fu (smelly beancurd) being one of the most delicious thing we ate there! Wow! It was super good! And really, as I look back on our Taipei photos, it is a lot on food and food… and food…
The Silin night market I must say is one of my favourites. Owen and I went there one night on our own and we just walked around for 3 hours plus! It was really just browing around and queuing up for the food we like. I guess it’s like that when you go on a holiday. Nothing much but lots of time on your hand. We had so much fun there that we went back again on the last day to shop around for another 6 hours? Well he sure bought a lot of things.. Including a suit!
Ok other things we did including going Karaoke! How can we forget there! Esp when I have to bear with the lousy mtvs in Japan. Also had the authentic Ma-La steamboat. It was great because it was the night everyone came! Including Higashi san who went home earlier in March, Yimin and Grace who finished in March… And yes, it is damn hot. But well, the funny thing was nothing happened to us, but So-san the Taiwanese actually had diarrhea 3 times the next morning.
Hard to summarise everything I did in Taipei but it’s all in my mind =) All the good times, the times of meeting up with various ones, going from store to store for food and even just strolling around Taipei city. Can’t say enough of it… some photos will be good?
Well well… left Japan for a week to have some fun in Taipei. Went with my friend Owen, and met up with lots of friends there. Let’s see…
First few days, all thanks to So san who drove us everywhere, we managed to go to Yang Ming Hill, Jiu Fen, and well many places which I can’t even name off hand. It’s hard to describe everything in detail but we had lots of good food! Chou Dou Fu (smelly beancurd) being one of the most delicious thing we ate there! Wow! It was super good! And really, as I look back on our Taipei photos, it is a lot on food and food… and food…
The Silin night market I must say is one of my favourites. Owen and I went there one night on our own and we just walked around for 3 hours plus! It was really just browing around and queuing up for the food we like. I guess it’s like that when you go on a holiday. Nothing much but lots of time on your hand. We had so much fun there that we went back again on the last day to shop around for another 6 hours? Well he sure bought a lot of things.. Including a suit!
Ok other things we did including going Karaoke! How can we forget there! Esp when I have to bear with the lousy mtvs in Japan. Also had the authentic Ma-La steamboat. It was great because it was the night everyone came! Including Higashi san who went home earlier in March, Yimin and Grace who finished in March… And yes, it is damn hot. But well, the funny thing was nothing happened to us, but So-san the Taiwanese actually had diarrhea 3 times the next morning.
Hard to summarise everything I did in Taipei but it’s all in my mind =) All the good times, the times of meeting up with various ones, going from store to store for food and even just strolling around Taipei city. Can’t say enough of it… some photos will be good?
The is basically something like bubble tea but well it is green bean soup and it has an interesting name! Frog's eggs... Owen really thought it was frog's eggs though...

Jiufen. It's a really beautiful place. Thank God the weather was good that morning and allowed us to see sights which was pretty far away... Anyway we got to know this Japanese lady there and if possible will go and visit her sometime...

You Tiao!!!! We were actually pretty late that morning and the owner was already cleaning up the place. But well given my desperation for it cus i haven't even had one for 6 months, I charmed the boss in letting us in.. haaa.. ..

Jiufen. It's a really beautiful place. Thank God the weather was good that morning and allowed us to see sights which was pretty far away... Anyway we got to know this Japanese lady there and if possible will go and visit her sometime...
You Tiao!!!! We were actually pretty late that morning and the owner was already cleaning up the place. But well given my desperation for it cus i haven't even had one for 6 months, I charmed the boss in letting us in.. haaa.. ..
Yang Ming Hill... was pretty foggy that morning but all the more created a romantic and dreamy setting. Hmm... well of course the company is important too.. haa.. anyway the karla lillies are so pretty!
Pig's blood... Delicious but really.. we can't really digest the idea of it..
Shilin Night Market's Food Centre and street stalls. Words alone can't describe our joy and the amount we salivated at the sight of food!
The famous chicken cutlet! Big juicy and tasty!
Shilin night market... lots lots of people... wooh
At the movie city where we saw real filming take place. Hey shan, kiin and dad! Look! Qin Yang in action!
Ok that's us in the ancient costumes. Owen told me sit down and act like his wife but of course, it didn't turn out the way he wanted.. It seems more like I am the official and he looked like a"gong-nu" (maid)
He as the chinese priest subduing a vampire. That's another group we met. This poor guy is another story. He went with 2 other girls who made he dress up in all the girls' costumes to take photos..
Finally.... the suit he bought! It was cheap and really he look good in it. We had to well.. I mean me, bargain for a good price for him though...
Lastly... our last day at the airport.. so decided to take some photos.. with well what Owen puts it.. "my midget hands" cus it is always too near and our faces are always too big.
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