Have a test tomorrow… but just wanna write this down today…
Received a cd from a friend today who has left home last spring… When I received it, it was really just a normal cd which contained some of the photos we took together. However when I opened up the files, I discovered to my delight that my friend had created a video voice file for me in which she recorded her messages.
Started with the usual greetings about her life back home now and her plans for the year. The she shared with me about some of the stuff she has read from a magazine recently. Among which, phrase according to the magazine is very popular with Singaporean youths recently, “Move out of your comfort zone”.
When I heard that last track she recorded for me, I cried. I cried because I felt so touched that she actually sat down to do all these recordings. In it, she shared that she felt regret for not being able to move out of her comfort zone when she was younger to do things she wanted. She had actually wanted to stay in Japan longer because it has always been her dream to study in Japan but she had to go home because of financial difficulties and at the same time she felt she wasn’t young anymore and had to do something more concrete. She reminded me that I should also continue to move along and not be satisfied nor be complacent just because I am still young now…
I really really appreciate the effort so much. And when I heard her crying in the recording, I also can’t help but cry with her.
To my friend: Thanks for being for me always when you were in Japan. Now too =) We will be in touch I’m sure!
And also to my another friend Mannie, she wrote me a mail that day… and the last sentence touched me so much too. She said this, “Got anything must tell your big sister here ok! I won’t let my little-sister go through anything by herself. ”
Ahh… so so so blessed… so blessed by all these people in my life. Though only 8 months here but really found so many people who cared so much for me…
Hike in Gifu...
Some observations…
The more Ulu (meaning deserted or less populated), the better it is to hike. Why? Cause they will provide more sign boards, in fact at every junction to make sure you will not get lost. Totally different from the second hike I went where they are no signboards at all just because it was a road hike rather than a forest hike. This is good because map-reading is never my favourite thing in the world to do... Sorry my geography teachers...
The more Ulu (meaning deserted or less populated), the better it is to hike. Why? Cause they will provide more sign boards, in fact at every junction to make sure you will not get lost. Totally different from the second hike I went where they are no signboards at all just because it was a road hike rather than a forest hike. This is good because map-reading is never my favourite thing in the world to do... Sorry my geography teachers...
Signs telling you to go straight…

or down…
or down…
Japanese hiking routes are not just well planned for. There are also many well-maintained toilets along the way. Imagine, I actually went into a toilet, in the middle of the forest which the lights are automatically on when I stepped into the toilet. Unbelievable. Also they have many tables and benches along the way at strategic places for people to sit down to enjoy their lunches and breaks. Very thoughtful indeed.
Nice little benches for breaks and meals..
There are really lots of small little statues littered all around the forest. I see them so often with every few steps I take. Some of them are even so hard to notice. Anyway I couldn’t really tell what kind of gods they are because well I can’t all the Japanese information even when I could read the names, I don’t know the history too. but yeah, very interesting.
Summer is really nearing! I was surrounded by so many flies when I was hiking today that I could not stop fanning them away. I told myself I shall not start killing them because well, I am in their territory and we are supposed to be friends with Mother Nature. But… couldn’t take it anymore, after hiking for 4 hours, I killed one fly with a clap of my hands.
Japanese kids are so cute!! Ok nothing to do with hiking though but I saw a really cute kid today.
The cute kid I met! He’s so adorable!
Ok anyway… I went on a hiking trip in Gifu Prefecture yesterday. The exact place was about 1.5 hours away from my house. Not a bad trip. It was a combination of the forest, roads, fields, streams, rivers, tea plantations… if not for the stupid flies that kept me “accompanied” all the way; I would say the hike was perfect. But well, no complains, it was a great walk nevertheless…
The Ryu River…
The magnificient forest less traveled…
One of the 7 beautiful Ryu Water falls…
My new found interest...
I really love it now. Have been going on hikes for the past 2 weeks and planning to go for more for the weeks to come. At least well before the rainy season, called “Tsuyu” in Japanese sets in. It is when it will rain almost (note: not everyday) in Japan. But well, it doesn’t happen in Hokkaido apparently…
Anyway I started going on hikes because I want to try Mt Fuji in July… so thought I better get myself in a good shape before that. At the same time, there are maps readily available for hiking courses throughout Aichi Ken (where I stay) and neighbouring Shizuoka Ken. Take a train about 1-2 hours away ( now now… I fully agree with what Carol said about shifting concepts with regards to time. A 35 mins train to Orchard used to be very far… But one or 2 hours train away now is very acceptable) and you are off to a hike!
The first one was done with Carol… had a good time walking in the forests and little streams. It was a really rewarding hike at the end of it cus we got to see many things maybe most of us have even forgotten how it even looks like.. eg, tadpoles spawning, voices of crickets and birds…
Did the second one on my own. It was a really short 7km as compared to the nearly 15km one we did together. That wasn’t much of a nature hike actually but a one that takes you to various ancient buildings and museums in Shizuoka ken. Well, it was fun though to just navigate around with a map… and most of all, I could be away from the familiar Okazaki, to be on my own for a while. Well, not that I hate Okazaki. In fact not at all. But, I guess one just needs to get away once in a while uh…
Planning to go on the 3rd trip again this week… should be quite a challenging one as it is mostly forested area. Great!!
I really love it now. Have been going on hikes for the past 2 weeks and planning to go for more for the weeks to come. At least well before the rainy season, called “Tsuyu” in Japanese sets in. It is when it will rain almost (note: not everyday) in Japan. But well, it doesn’t happen in Hokkaido apparently…
Anyway I started going on hikes because I want to try Mt Fuji in July… so thought I better get myself in a good shape before that. At the same time, there are maps readily available for hiking courses throughout Aichi Ken (where I stay) and neighbouring Shizuoka Ken. Take a train about 1-2 hours away ( now now… I fully agree with what Carol said about shifting concepts with regards to time. A 35 mins train to Orchard used to be very far… But one or 2 hours train away now is very acceptable) and you are off to a hike!
The first one was done with Carol… had a good time walking in the forests and little streams. It was a really rewarding hike at the end of it cus we got to see many things maybe most of us have even forgotten how it even looks like.. eg, tadpoles spawning, voices of crickets and birds…
Did the second one on my own. It was a really short 7km as compared to the nearly 15km one we did together. That wasn’t much of a nature hike actually but a one that takes you to various ancient buildings and museums in Shizuoka ken. Well, it was fun though to just navigate around with a map… and most of all, I could be away from the familiar Okazaki, to be on my own for a while. Well, not that I hate Okazaki. In fact not at all. But, I guess one just needs to get away once in a while uh…
Planning to go on the 3rd trip again this week… should be quite a challenging one as it is mostly forested area. Great!!
Keys to my heart...
Got it from Carol's blog who apparently got it from Serene's blog... interesting uh...
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to obedience and warmth. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with your hearts. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it. |
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
Monday Blues...
Something nice happened to me on Monday… Actually I was still feeling rather down inside me. That is especially after I received a msg from one of my friends. It isn’t something bad. In fact it was something very touching that he said that made me feel worst about him leaving… well anyway, I couldn’t really concentrate much in class and on top of that I was having a flu.
Really, all I want is just to be alone for a while. But then I had my tuition job that night but I know I shouldn’t cancel it just because I am not in the right mood. Determined to overcome what I feel inside me, I went ahead with it.
Well, thank God for the favour, I managed to regain some energy when I reached there. Approached the students with my usual way of talking in an animated way… was not too bad. I am pretty encouraged by them in the sense they always did their homework and they always response to me.
The lesson was quickly over and it was time for tea. (a very typical thing in Japanese homes). So the mum asked the kids if they liked English. To both of our surprise, both of them nodded their heads immediately without hesitation. The mum was a little surprised. She was like saying the boy especially hated English and she had to force him to start lessons with me. But now she sees he is making progress and he actually likes me.. haaa
Yah in fact, I was so touched when the boy( he’s 7) gave me a winter sonata keychain he got it when he went to a funfair last week. What happened was he saw it and he remembered that I said I liked it so he told his mum to get it for me. I mean well, I used to like it but the craze is over. I just kinda patronized the mum who loves the show.. haaa so much for it.. but really, very very touched by the kid’s gesture.
Will take his photo next time. He’s very cute! So… yeah I felt a little better on the way home. I know Life has to go on with or without him uh… But really in the process of eveything happening, I realised how nice my friends have been supportive and good to me. Several of them calling me up, some even coming to my house with some ridiculous excuse but actually to check if I am ok... haaa.. one of my friends even told me a secret that well no one knows just to comfort me... Thanks all of you.... I appreciate it...
Really, all I want is just to be alone for a while. But then I had my tuition job that night but I know I shouldn’t cancel it just because I am not in the right mood. Determined to overcome what I feel inside me, I went ahead with it.
Well, thank God for the favour, I managed to regain some energy when I reached there. Approached the students with my usual way of talking in an animated way… was not too bad. I am pretty encouraged by them in the sense they always did their homework and they always response to me.
The lesson was quickly over and it was time for tea. (a very typical thing in Japanese homes). So the mum asked the kids if they liked English. To both of our surprise, both of them nodded their heads immediately without hesitation. The mum was a little surprised. She was like saying the boy especially hated English and she had to force him to start lessons with me. But now she sees he is making progress and he actually likes me.. haaa
Yah in fact, I was so touched when the boy( he’s 7) gave me a winter sonata keychain he got it when he went to a funfair last week. What happened was he saw it and he remembered that I said I liked it so he told his mum to get it for me. I mean well, I used to like it but the craze is over. I just kinda patronized the mum who loves the show.. haaa so much for it.. but really, very very touched by the kid’s gesture.
Will take his photo next time. He’s very cute! So… yeah I felt a little better on the way home. I know Life has to go on with or without him uh… But really in the process of eveything happening, I realised how nice my friends have been supportive and good to me. Several of them calling me up, some even coming to my house with some ridiculous excuse but actually to check if I am ok... haaa.. one of my friends even told me a secret that well no one knows just to comfort me... Thanks all of you.... I appreciate it...
To my dearest friend...
To a very dear friend of mine who is leaving...
For the times of joy and fun we had together, the day for you to leave has finally come...
Don't worry about me =) You know I will definitely continue to live life to the fullest in Japan. Don't cry too, you promise me you will only cry when you go home and then you will call me.
Like you say, we will definitely meet again soon and you be back in Japan someday =)
3 cheers to our relationship!
For the times of joy and fun we had together, the day for you to leave has finally come...
Don't worry about me =) You know I will definitely continue to live life to the fullest in Japan. Don't cry too, you promise me you will only cry when you go home and then you will call me.
Like you say, we will definitely meet again soon and you be back in Japan someday =)
3 cheers to our relationship!
Golden week in Yamanashi
Went on a trip to Yamanashi again for the golden week. My second trip this time round yet still going for the same reason. Yes, because Owen is there now but leaving for home soon…
This time though had many people with me. Carol went on the trip too as she is also interested in hiking and swimming in the lakes. My ex-classmate Jan, his girlfriend and a Australian guy from our school Todd came along too.
So on the first day, before Jan and company arrived, Owen took Carol, me and 2 of his other friends to hike at a place at the water falls. My my… It was breath-taking! It was such a shame we couldn’t hike till the very top because the road had been destroyed by the rain. But still where we were, was fresh, cleaning but ok, icy cold flowing water. We didn’t manage to swim though because it was really too cold and we didn’t want to wet the other Japanese girl Mie’s car. But well still, it was a kick to just dip our feet in the water.
Spent the whole after there and finally the long-awaited trio came. They drove there and was caught in a traffic jam along the way. It didn’t help though when they stopped for breaks here and there. Haa.. well well.. we had a bbq dinner at Chris’s place. He’s Owen’s friend who is holidaying in china now. I think he might possibly get a shock when he comes home to know 5 strangers stayed over night at his place. Well anyway, we had a good sumptuous dinner with wine and beer. Must admit, the wine was really good. I couldn’t resist drinking a few glasses too. Then we chatted the night away… the guys catching up cus Todd hasn’t seen Owen for a few months as well..
Next morning, got up to go to Dave’s house. Another of Owen’s friend who just got married. (If you guys recall the suit he bought in Taipei, it was for this wedding) Anyway, Dave’s friends and family were still in Japan. And it was really interesting cus he is from New Zealand, and we thus we got to meet the Maui people who are his friends! First time I see and talk to a Maui person face to face.
Anyway, we went to the same place again for a swim and hike. And Jan and Owen gave some good performances. Actually Owen already did it before yesterday. He climbed up to a really high spot up the rocks and jumped into the water. Jan saw that and well he wanted to do it too. He well, haaa stripped to his underwear and when along with it.
Then it was back to Dave’s place for more bbq and gathering. It was really a huge gathering cus all of their Japanese friends came too. The other English teachers in their gang, including Steve, Owen’s friend from Oregon too whose house I stayed in when I went over. He’s an a great singer. He was playing the guitar with his ABK friend (American born Korean) and singing the whole night to entertain us. My… he was really good. Pretty mesmerized by their voices. It wasn’t just singing together but they harmonized and it sounds very professional.
The night ended when it got dark and we all packed up to go home. Watched simpsons in the video and slept. Too tired to do anything else.
Last morning in Yamanashi. Got up early to breath in the clean fresh air. The scenery in Yamanashi is really good. Mountains and flowing rivers are aplenty. Will go back again if I have a chance to. Anyway we had to be on our way home becus Todd needs to get back to Okazaki. So all of us hopped into Ako's car. Good drive home. Stopped by the hot spring for a good soak too. Kimochi ii....

Nice scenery!

This time though had many people with me. Carol went on the trip too as she is also interested in hiking and swimming in the lakes. My ex-classmate Jan, his girlfriend and a Australian guy from our school Todd came along too.
So on the first day, before Jan and company arrived, Owen took Carol, me and 2 of his other friends to hike at a place at the water falls. My my… It was breath-taking! It was such a shame we couldn’t hike till the very top because the road had been destroyed by the rain. But still where we were, was fresh, cleaning but ok, icy cold flowing water. We didn’t manage to swim though because it was really too cold and we didn’t want to wet the other Japanese girl Mie’s car. But well still, it was a kick to just dip our feet in the water.
Spent the whole after there and finally the long-awaited trio came. They drove there and was caught in a traffic jam along the way. It didn’t help though when they stopped for breaks here and there. Haa.. well well.. we had a bbq dinner at Chris’s place. He’s Owen’s friend who is holidaying in china now. I think he might possibly get a shock when he comes home to know 5 strangers stayed over night at his place. Well anyway, we had a good sumptuous dinner with wine and beer. Must admit, the wine was really good. I couldn’t resist drinking a few glasses too. Then we chatted the night away… the guys catching up cus Todd hasn’t seen Owen for a few months as well..
Next morning, got up to go to Dave’s house. Another of Owen’s friend who just got married. (If you guys recall the suit he bought in Taipei, it was for this wedding) Anyway, Dave’s friends and family were still in Japan. And it was really interesting cus he is from New Zealand, and we thus we got to meet the Maui people who are his friends! First time I see and talk to a Maui person face to face.
Anyway, we went to the same place again for a swim and hike. And Jan and Owen gave some good performances. Actually Owen already did it before yesterday. He climbed up to a really high spot up the rocks and jumped into the water. Jan saw that and well he wanted to do it too. He well, haaa stripped to his underwear and when along with it.
Then it was back to Dave’s place for more bbq and gathering. It was really a huge gathering cus all of their Japanese friends came too. The other English teachers in their gang, including Steve, Owen’s friend from Oregon too whose house I stayed in when I went over. He’s an a great singer. He was playing the guitar with his ABK friend (American born Korean) and singing the whole night to entertain us. My… he was really good. Pretty mesmerized by their voices. It wasn’t just singing together but they harmonized and it sounds very professional.
The night ended when it got dark and we all packed up to go home. Watched simpsons in the video and slept. Too tired to do anything else.
Last morning in Yamanashi. Got up early to breath in the clean fresh air. The scenery in Yamanashi is really good. Mountains and flowing rivers are aplenty. Will go back again if I have a chance to. Anyway we had to be on our way home becus Todd needs to get back to Okazaki. So all of us hopped into Ako's car. Good drive home. Stopped by the hot spring for a good soak too. Kimochi ii....
Partying at Chris's place...
Nice scenery!
What Are you?
Saw this from Carol's blog and decided to do it to entertain myself for a while... well well... if this it the MBTI, then I am a IFSJ....
Your #1 Match: INFJ |
The Protector You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them. You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. |
Your #2 Match: INFP |
The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
Your #3 Match: ENFJ |
The Giver You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine. You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist. |
Your #4 Match: ISFJ |
The Nurturer You have a strong need to belong, and you very loyal.A good listener, you excell at helping others in practical ways.In your spare time, you enjoy engaging your senses through art, cooking, and music.You find it easy to be devoted to one person, who you do special things for. You would make a good interior designer, chef, or child psychologist. |
Your #5 Match: ENFP |
The Inspirer You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller! You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. |
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