Yes... on the morning of July 6th, at 8am.
When the group of us reached the top, one comment was prevalent, " Unbelievable... Can't believe we did". Well, ok maybe just among 2 of us, Shiro and me.. haa But really, the path we chooe or rather So-san, our leader chose was reputably the toughest among all the treks. It was supposed to be for mid-advanced climbers and not amateurs like us! But well, he only knew that on the day of the climb so can't blame him either.
Ok the day started with 8 of us meeting at the Okazaki station at 5.40am in the morning. Yup, we had to do so because there were very limited bus services to the 5 station of the mountain which we will start the climb. But the early hours did not dampen our moods, we as usual went crazy with photos and jokes all the way till the 5th station.
Here's Carol and Emmi who stayed with me for the night before the climb: Too excited to sleep..

8 of us, still sane and energetic and the 5th station. (with Carol as the photographer)

So we went on our way... but well due to the vast difference in physical conditions, some of us were fast and some of us were slow... But never the less, we made it through the 6th, 7th and 8th stations together. See the wooden pole each of us have? There are services at each station to brand the station's mark and metres above sea-level on it.

only finished the story halfway... we made a night's stop at the 8th station meaning to get some rest but well with 8 noisy and excited people you will only get a night's non-stop worth of snores and tossing around. Especially when it was freezing... Poor Carol who slept beside me had to move to another futon. Well that's only because Emmi insisted on squeezing beside us to sleep... ha
ok.. cause of the rain we could only set off again at 5am in the morning... so cus of time contraints only 6 of us made it to the top... sighz... but yup we did!!!
Resting along the way...

The small and squeezy rooms... felt like the coolies in "Wu Shou Nan Yang"...

The beautiful sea of clouds!

Finally, the conquerers!