I realised I have been neglecting this blog for a real long time...
But that it how I am... updating fever comes and goes in waves.
But anyway, I wonder really how many people are still reading this since I have not been udpating regularly and also changing addresses from time to time.
So... if you are reading this, drop me a comment below even if you do not usually do so!
Is it too early (or late already) to review what have I been up to this year?
At the beginning of the year when I was thinking of new resolutions. I came to a conclusion and decided that I will make really simple and achievable goals. Seriously speaking, I have stopped making “unrealistic” goals like losing 40kgs this year since I don’t really even lose close to 4Kg at all.
So, I took it really easy to the extend that I didn’t even bother to write it down at all. But I will say it is always going on in my mind.
The first thing I wanted to do was to get my driving license! Yah I have been pondering over it for a year now because of the costs and the time involved. And obviously language too. Well it is one thing to be conversationally-proficient and totally another when it comes to fields which uses quite a bit of technical terms. But I was assured by most people that though it might be tougher, it is still achievable.
And yes thank God! I managed to get my license within 2.5 months! But really it was altogether another story by itself.
Just really thankful for the support I got from my closest peers (since it was a secret to parents and most people!) Really grateful to them ( you know who you are!) who encouraged me ever so often as I "report" to them almost on a daily basis what I do.
But wait... the other close friends and esp family ( extended incld) whom I didn't tell in advance. It is not because you are not close enough, it is because you are the ONE whom I want to surprise!
Linking to the first goal, the reason I wanted to have a license was because I wanted to bring my parents on an all-expenses paid driving trip to Hokkaido. Which I did too! Managed to drive albeit unsteadily at first… but still managed to get to most places in our itinerary. (could have really done more planning tho!) Was really glad my parents really enjoyed themselves especially at shopping and buying all the fresh and dried seafood.
I think my mum really loves shopping in Japan….
Btw, really highly recommend summer in Hokkaido for old folks. The scenery is great, trip is peaceful and easy ( if you can drive will be even better), food is good and reasonable!
And lastly…
I had my hair cut short!
I have always wanted to do that for a long time and the shortest I ever tried while saying wanting to cut it short was just shoulder length which my friend M often shakes her head say that is not call short. Well.. I figured even if the cut is bad, if u have hair long enough to tie up, all is still not lost.
So… this summer, with courage from an unknown source I finally did it! And of course M finally gave her approval. =)
Here’s it! How is it??