I got various comments from different regarding my new look. Some say it is not obvious because I still have my shoulder length hair, some say it is obvious cus my hair is very layered. Some say I look more Japanese now! Well well... I don't know about that myself. At first I thought it just looked about the same as before but then after observing myself in the mirror for a few days, I am beginning to notice some difference. In Okazaki ( I dun dare to claim it for the whole of Japan), the layered look is in the in look. It is not like what you see in Singapore but really very layered style. Usually, the stylist will cut the hair pretty short, leaving a moderate thickness trail of "tail" at the back of your hair. Hard to describe but in a nut shell, from the front, it looks as if my hair was shorter than shoulder length but actually, there is still another trail at the back of the head.
I am pretty surprised too that my hair is not as "qiao" (i.e curling outwards) as it used to be. So while I still have to blow it every morning, it is quite a easy job.
But anyway the visit to the salon was quite a funny one. Firstly, the stylist sat me down and tried to ask me what style I liked. And well, my Japanese is really mediocre so half of the time I don't know what he was saying. Plus... he used some hair terms here and there. Imagine saying layered in Chinese?? You get the point? It is just nothing I would have learnt in the textbooks.
So I told him that my Japanese is at the "cannot make it stage" so show me pictures... but he wasn't satisfied with any of the pictures he could find. Ok so after 10 mins of discussion, I got pretty fed up (with myself) so I told him "dozou, enryo shinai" literally meaning, "go ahead without any reservations". He thought that was a funny comment though cus he was laughing after that. Well, he said that I've got nice soft hair though. Haa.. all thanks to Steph and her recommendation of Ma Cherie super conditioner! (tt's under Shiseido btw)
Anyway, it is just a total different experience you get in Singapore. There are endless greetings they will say, eg, after the shampoo girl washed my hair, she was like "otsukare samadeshita" i.e you have been tired (i think...) and all the workers in the shop chorused after her. It is the same when someone enters or leaves the salon. I also got to try having my hair washed by a machine. Still prefer the human hands though, can get free massage.. haa..
Ok let me try this before and after thingie... Eh... my hair is not well blown cus it is sleeping time le...
The shorter part of my hair...
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