Anyway it is... I would probably say refreshing way to spend New Year? Sure I missed the nig celebrations back home. I would even envision my family, plus cousins who are crowing over the steamboat pot now. According to my mum when I spoke to her last week, she is making Sukiyaki this yr. grr... Sukiyaki when I am away!!
ok anyway.... today I did something on my own which I am pretty pleased with. a secret though. just wanna share that I cleared many things I have on my mind. It's a new year. So live a new and happier mind!
Ok... just for laughs. Yesterday Owen came over to chat and study with me. Well supposed to study but we chatted for 3 hours, while I buffed his nails. Yes!!! That vain pot Owen!! well anyway, I am not supposed to tell anyone in class before he does cus he wants them to notice them themselves.... alright.. Yeah anyway, we din study much cus after that we watched "Ai No Ri" a Japanese reality show... followed by another hour of chatting.... tt's y I am really sleepy today. sigh.. Anyway we got really bo liao, decided to help each write names on our hands and take a picture of it. As Owen puts it, good moments must be captured!
ok Happy Chinese New Year folks! Best wishes and in the New Year, continue to pursue ur dreams!!
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