
Interesting fact about sharks..

Was watching this programme on TV yesterday and discovered something interesting....

Do you know that a dry battery can save your life if a shark is nearby? Yes.. interestingly, sharks are "afraid" of batteries.

According to the explanation, sharks detect their preys, little fishes by the "electric waves" send out by them. And a dry C size (I think) sends out electric waves equivalent to that of 3000 fish. So when you hold on to a battery, Mr shark thinks that there are 3000 fish around so he is probably too afraid to attack.

The people in the show did an experiment. They lowered a dead 4 kg fish in the water to attract the shark to come. Each time they did it, the shark came real quick and bite the fish off without any hesistation. But then when they begin to drop a battery as well, the shark swam away quickly.

Interesting uh?... but p/s: the battery can only last you a minute worth of eletrical waves and a small one 20 secs. So don't try it!

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