So where was I after making all of you drool looking at the pictures of the Hida beef?..
Well Takayama's basically a pretty small and old part of Japan similar to that of Kyoto. It boasts a number of traditonal shops be it food, trade or art. The snow though made walking difficult, also enhanced the beauty of the streets.

This being one of my favourite picture! Like a postcard right?
This should be one of the most propotionate snowman I ever seen! (Not like I have seen a lot tho')
This is basically how the whole street look like. Paved by snow
The row of old shops...
Night view! It's fantastic I tell you. This photo does no justice to it.
So that was basically what we did on the first day. Walked around the old shops in Takayama, sunk our teeth into the hida beef, drinking the sweet sake and finally a relaxing night at the Onsen. Have I already mention crying buckets of tears over our favourite show and posing with the famous mascot of Hida...
and finally....presenting..... the very satisfied us!
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