My new baby, Nino!!
No no, I didn't do anything funny behind your backs, Nino is the name of a cute cuddly furry rabbit.
I went with a friend to Vivo city on thursday, my first visit anyway. She then brought me to this shop, build-a-bear. As the name suggested, it is an amazing shop where you can make a soft toy. There are many kinds to choose from, bears of various colours and designs, cows, etc and of course the animal of the year, piggy. After that, you bring your chosen toy to be stuffed. There, you take a heart, make a wish, kiss it and put it in inside the bear. Then, it is down to choosing its outfit, dress it, give it a name and finally register its birth.
I chose a rabbit. Why did I choose it instead of the more gorgeous bears out there? ... hmm... I guess because it gave me a very homely and childhood feeling. It reminded me of how as kids, we will all have a very old, tattered, dirty and smelly toy that we will always refuse to throw away. hehe (reminds me of the time when I was forced by my mum to discard a very old but favourite pillow... sob sob) In a nutshell, I didn't want the most glamorous bear I could find, I wanted something that was down to earth and near to heart.
haha... so much talk about the rabbit.... but it was a fun process anyway! Makes an interesting gift too to people for weddings and graduations as you can personalised it.
I don't know if I am supposed to say what wish I made. But well, I wished that my friend will find a good job and also have a smoother path in her relationship. Is that counted as 2 wishes? Maybe I should have just shorten to one and that is something I really want for her, to be happy always.
Anyway, here's the sneak preview of Baby Nino born on 8 Feb 2007!

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