Anyway the story goes like this....
I was walking to the bank one day when I was approached by a staff from this internet co., let's call it K to apply for its internet services. K was having a massive campaign to attract new users . Actually, I was already intending to sign up for its services ( becus I kinda read up about it before) but I wanted to get to the bank first before doing it. I told the staff I will be back in 10 mins but he was so persistent insisting that it will take no more than 5 mins to fill up the form.. But of cus it took nearly 20 mins in the end. Well ok... And he explained that the whole process of application will take 3-4 weeks till internet is ready.
Ok... so I waited for about a week and I got a call from K. Says that becus I stay in a rented place, the process will take a little longer becus they need to seek permission from the owner first before carrying out the necessary works. Fair enough. Prior to this, I have already checked with the agency I rented my apartment from regarding internet and they have already got the permission from the owner. So all I had to do is to pass over the contact of the agency and they will convey the message to K, which I did.
Then came the first month. Strange, no response at all from K. Decided to call up to check. They told me due to the huge amount of applicants, they are still in the process of getting in touch with the owner of my apartment. They gave me the idea that they were still waiting for permission from the owner. But after making things clear with them, it turned out that, they are so busy with the applicants that my owner is still waiting in line to hear from them!
Then they called me up and said they need to check my apartment to see if it was possible to carry out the works.. So on one week, guy 1 came... look see look see and say he cannot determine, need to get guy 2 to come, which took yet another 2 weeks...
And everytime I walked pass their shops, see their massive road shows, shouting recruiters I can so pissed off. If they have so much time and resources to do that, they should then first divert these resources to their current customers! What is the meaning of cheating people into signing up for your plan and then leave them hanging in mid-air and then tell them because you are too busy, you cannot process their application fast.
So anyway, after the 2 I -don't know-what-is-it-for checks, I called K and told the person pretty calmly that I have waited more than a month. I used the "pitiful tone" hoping to gain sympathy and faster action instead of using the irritation threat on them. It kinda worked I guess.. Just confirms to me how much Japanese needs to be called to action. They called me back a few days later to say permission is given and also to confirm the day to carry out the works.
It was nearly another month later before I can finally fix in a day for them to come cus they dun work after 5 pm and I can only make it on weekends.
Then finally after 2 months. The day for THE day came. Was waiting with anticipation for them. Then it rained... rained heavily.
And I got a call from them saying that they cannot do the works becus it was raining. They needed to fix something outside the house so it wasn't possible becus of the thunder and lightning going on.
Fine. As much as how dissapointed i felt, I wasn't going to risk someone's life just for my internet connection. So I called up the customer service for re-scheduling. And can you believe it, they told me " oh the next available date is XX" which is a month away!!!
Isn't that ridiculous? I just quarrelled with the person right on the spot. C'mon loh wad do you mean by another month. I asked the person back fine, what if it rains again on that day? means I wait another month??
He couldn't answer me... He just kept apologising. I don't want your apologises.. i want a definite solution! I can't believe how inflexible their system is and how little they think to refine their services. Such a big co yet cannot even settle one customer properly.
In the end, I got so pissed that I told him right on the spot I want to cancel the contract... And he still had the cheek to ask me to send him back the modem that was sent to me previously. I should have told him to either come and take it back personally or not have it back at all. Why do I still have to take the trouble to go to post office to post it back to them??
Anyway, there was a separate person scheduled to come the next day to do PC setup ( why can't they do together anyway..) so I told the company that they better call the person themselves and K's cust svc was like yes yes they will do it.
Guess what, the next day, I got a call from the PC set-up guy at 1.30pm ( If he was coming, he wa supposed to come from 11-1pm) He said that he is in the vicinity now and can't find his way to my house.
Grabbing on to myself to prevent my blood veins from bursting... I told him calmy that the works was cancelled due to the rain, added sarcastically, " You mean your co. didn't inform you?" Can tell he was real flustered and he was like, " oh i will check with them...
Anyway the conclusion is, it did rain again on the supposedly rescheduled day. I wonder what will be their answer this time round. Another month????
Angry. Pissed. Irritated. Period

*credits to where I took this picture from =)
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