I woke up, still groggy from a late previous night one Saturday Morning and saw this strange thing at the entrance of my house door.
Eh? since when this appeared? I don't remember seeing it last night... The handwriting is hauntingly familar... No stamp... From someone who has unbarred unlimted access to my house? I ripped open the mysterious envelope...
Someone who obviously knows my inclination towards anything pink and sweeeetttt...
The contents spilled out....And...........................Out came Satoshi's portrait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He once said that he will give his own portrait to his gf on her birthday so when he is busy she can look at his portrait and think of him. 
Translates to: Look at my portrait when I am not around. Satoshi.
He doesn't need to do that actually because I am already thinking of him day and night *blush*
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*grapples for air......*
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