While my friend dreams of un-named, unidentifiable characters in her sleep, I fantasize about unreachable, uncomprehendable beings in my daily life. (sigh...) I often have such conversations with my friends here and the flow goes like this:
2/1 Saturday Cold
I was dropped with the ultimate bomb of not getting any tickets to a stage play I was so looking forward to. Note: In my mind, I had already gone past the level of thinking if I was even going to be able to get any tickets. In fact I was so sure I would have gotten at least more than 1! So imagine my shock, disappointment and disillusion. yeah, the balloting system hates me. Even if they don't, they hate my name at least.
So in order to arise from the pits of sorrows and to propel forward in life, I resorted to fantazing just to keep my brain from thinking too logically for long.
(Background: Took part in a design compeition in conjunction with the book released by the object of my affection)
M= Me, F= Friend
F: It's ok, you will win the compeition and then you will get to see him in person right!
M: The results will be out next week but I won't be around in Tokyo then to hear it.
F: ( who is ever so hopeful that I will win) It's ok! You will win!
M: Yeah... I will.. but they will never find out who I am cus they can't contact me. Maybe when we come back from our trip, we will see a whole troupe of reporters lining up outside our house.
F: Haaa yeah yeah, and then they will all be swarming over you for interviews.
M: Yeah.. haa.. maybe it will erupt into a search mission ! Everyone will start to wonder who that mysterious designer is ... and then you will see my name splashed all over the billboards in Shibuya perhaps?? Everyone will be whispering, flyers offering rewards will be passed to anyone contributing any information concerning me.
F: haaaaaa ( no comments from her. she must be too impressed at how ridiculous I can get)
M: oh no... then when I re-enter in Japan again the week after, the custom officers will take me by the collar, pull me into their office and then make a public announcement that they have found the "Person" Then I will see party poppers popping, toasts held over my head, high-fives exchanged, fireworks released in my honour. And then the "he" will hug me and say let's get married ( a silent fantasy)
F, M- Collapsed in a heap of laughter together. We are just 2 bored women.
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