Well, went to disneysea last weekend with ML who is visiting. The last time I went to disneysea was like 3 years ago and I almost forgot how beautiful it was. ( actually, I don't even have much impression of it!)
But it was really absolutely breath-taking. Even the skies are like extra blue and clear. The only complain I have is, weekend queues are really life-threatening. The next day after standing and queueing for like 10 hrs, I ended up with a backache.
Minnie for the day. Actually, I wanted to be goofy... but couldn't find the one I liked!
So anyway... Year ends are always illuminated by the pretty christmas lights, moods are lighter and fluffier, human engines slowing down to wrap up the year.
Actually I have been consistently saving towards some big plans I have next year. Somehow having a concrete goal actually helps me in a very real sense to distinguish between needs, real wants, wants that can wait, wants on the spur...
But...I am also letting down my guard to the lure of sales and gradually lossening my grip on those pennies!
My new dusty pink (A4 size) chain bag^^ Perfect against those monotone coats and Spring!
Here's the book I will be reading in the few days of end year holidays! Holley Gerth is one of the christian writers I really like.
It is not just about the content of her creations. It is the warmth in her frankness, her courage to face up to the gritty nitty fears she has, most importantly, her willingness to share that really drew me to her works.
Here's an excerpt from the introduction...
Your first drop may have been a diagnosis given by a doctor with a grim face. Perhaps it was a note left on the kitchen table that said, “I’m sorry but I don’t love you anymore.” It could have been a phone call late at night and someone on the other end telling you the unthinkable.
Or your first drop may have come so softly you didn’t even recognize it. You tried to start a family and after another negative pregnancy test realized something might be wrong. You took a promising job and one day discovered that your computer screen might as well be a “dead end” sign. You began a relationship only to discover that your dream come true has started feeling a bit like a nightmare.
No matter how your first drop fell, it was probably followed by another…and another…and another. Now your heart is soaking wet and you’re wondering if you’ll ever feel warm and dry again.
The good news is God knows even more about rain than those scientists. He knows the destruction it can bring. He also knows how to redeem it and use it to bring beauty and hope to our lives.
Take a quick look out your window. Every flower or tree you see owes its life to rain. Every bird singing, every frog hopping, every living thing draws its strength from storms...
So merry christmas everyone!!