Anato To
It is not an new release but I wonder why I have nothing paid much attention to it.. and the first time I actually put my mind to listen to it, I teared at the female singer's part.
Not that it is reminding me of anything but just found the song and lyrics really touching.
Give it a try!
さっきまで泣いてた君が 今隣で笑ってる
少し先に待ってたこの未来に 辿り着けてよかった
君を傷付けたくない この言葉に逃げていた
今夜孤独と自由を羽にして あなたに逢いに行く
壊れそうな心の隣には あなたとかけた願い
出逢ったあの日の夢を見た 手も繋げないまま二人
笑い声がただ時を繋いだ 未来なんてまだ見えなかった
目が覚めて君想えば 手のひらに零れ落ちた
あの日のぬくもりそっと握り返して 溢れた涙に目を閉じた
どんな些細な痛みも分け合って あなたと歩けたら
途切れそうな心を抱きしめて あなたの側に居たい
どんな孤独も自由も羽にして あなたに会いに行く
壊れそうな心の隣には あなたと描く未来
どんな些細な痛みも分け合って あなたと歩けたら
途切れそうな心を抱きしめて あなたの側に居たい
Meeting Rihito Sama tomorrow~~~

Mei chan's Butler....

Every reason to eat and make merry~~
Besides all the fashion, high tech savvy gadgets Japan offers, do you know that it is a land of beautiful exquisite desserts??
Then... the cute dolly cake for Hina matsuri! ( The girls' festival)
Giant Parfait for birthdays.
Last but not least, chocolates for both Valentine's Day and White Day!! ( opps that's from 2 years ago..) You should see the amount of chocolates I have at home now. It takes up a whole shelf on its own! And I bought none of it! Thank God for the people who love me enough to give me all the chocolates!
Last but not least, A Happy White Day to all ladies! You are all precious and highly regarded in His eyes!
My colleagues~~
It says, Karen san, Otsukaresama desu ( a normal greeting to colleagues)
Ohno desu ( the arashi guy I like), I am lying.. Shigihara desu ( colleague's name). Simple gesture but this manager is really nice and he tries to cheer me up at times talking about Arashi..
Then there is another colleague of mine, used to be in the same team as me who has now working in a client's place.
He is always asking me how I am doing and "behind my back" told my managers not to work me too hard....
There was a time when I came to work, there was a pack of chocolates on the table who he put on the day before when he came to the office after I left.
And then when I went to check the chocolates out, I found out that it came from a super famous shop which you need to queue up for just to buy their stuff =)
Thank God for them.
Onsen trip to Fukuroda
Before that.... I must really say I love the picture of Kung Fu Master Carol....
Anyway... Fukuroda is a place famous for its waterfall, ( Top 3 in Japan) and it was about 2 hours plus drive away from Tokyo. Thank God for no jams and erm... so kun's speeding all the way there that we reached much earlier than scheduled....
I really love going on trips in Japan.... The springs, the streams, the trees... even the paths are all so beautiful. Every big and little thing... even the little earthworm on the ground reminds me of the goodness of God and the beauty of his creation.
The waterfall.
Lastly.... a peaceful, beautiful drive home!
I just love how crazy we are....
Back in the room... dead beat after a day's travel... ( frankly speaking we only SAT in the car...)
Concussed Totally...
Back in blogspot
Having moved so many times...
The food on someone else's plate is always more delicious...
but Home is always the best uh...
ok enuff of the rumblings... you will noticed I changed the blog name too..
Which actually explains the biggest reason I have moved.
Someone is stalking me unfortunately...
anyway... this new title describes me more I guess..
Baka= silly/idiotic.
niiki= Diary....
So welcome to karen's idiotic diary world!
Will get to doing all the layout soon!
Random thoughts~~
yah it is old cus she doesn't update it anymore...
I wish she does though.. because I really want to know more about what is going on in her life.
This is just one of the struggles I faced ever since I came to Japan. While I am excited to be able to experience a whole new lifestyle and culture which is so unreachable to a lot of people, my heart aches everytime I can't be part of a wedding nor a shoulder a loved one can lean on.
The above-mentioned friend's blog is really... just so "daily". She writes about meeting friends after work, spending time with family in supermarkets... Something just so mundane and normal.
But... the fact is, I don't have the luxury to say, "Let's meet for coffee" this weekend etc...
For the 5 years I have been here... I have been absent in the lives of so many people I love. And... the sad thing is... some have just moved on without me as well...
Sometimes I curl up in bed and just want to have a good cry and wallow in self-pity.
Sometimes I just feel like demanding some quality attention from these friends.
But at the end of the day...I am comforted by the presence of God. By his assurances. By his timely messages somehow or rather..
By just phonecalls coming from friends at times.
I used to hate to talk on the phone because I can't quite concentrate on just "hearing" someone ( rather talk face to face)..
but now.... I can't tell you how much I feel thankful and happy just to hear familar voices...
And... this will explain why I am actually heading overseas to visit a friend soon.
Seriously, it is not the wisest decision in this economy and times + personal financial situation. ( haa.. but trusting God will provide)
But... I just felt so strongly, I need to do something for my friend too. Need to leave more footsteps in her life before I disappear completely.. totally.. I guess I won't be able to make up for the time I wasn't with her in her low periods. (Thank God for the other people He has brought into her life too).
So here I go~~ Off to HK in may!
And can't wait to meet Baby Kait too! ( and mummy candy)
The vicious cycle~~
Well... this topic came to my mind when I was thinking of how to overcome my dsilike for Nato.
As most of you should know, Nato is an extremely healthy food, not to mention almost dirt cheap ( compared to other food you can find in the supermarket) and yet can make one full and satisfied.
Such food finds favor with people like me who needs to watch their spending BUT, unfortunately not with my taste buds nor sense of smell.
n fact ever since I first came in contact with it 7 (?) years ago when I came to Japan for a homestay, it has joined the ranks of hated food alongside Honeydew, bean sprouts etc....
hile I do not have any motivation nor reason at all to overcome my dislike for the latter 2, Nato is always something I think will be beneficial if I ever grow to like it.
So anyway... I was searching online, trying to find ideas of how people do it and I came upon several ideas like...mixing it with mayonaise?
Doesn't that defeats the purpose of eating Nato in the first place?? I mean.. why do I want to eat something that is both unhealthy, smelly and tastes quite bad?
To further illustrate the case. It reminded me of a friend who used to have very bad skin and breakouts. We used to advice her to cut down on the amount of makeup she uses in which she replied,. " I have to make up to cover up for the blemishes".
t just dawned upon me how sometimes in life we tend to be so focus in tackling the problem right before our eyes that we failed to put our sights further or actually.. to even remember why we even started doing something anyway. And in worst cases, we ended up being drawn into a vicious cycle which you do not seems to know which is the beginning nor the end anymore.
So... actually... I have been having this same idea for a few years. Trying to put into practise too.
The idea of back to basics and being natural.
I stopped dyeing my hair ( haven't cut off the perming part yet though) because I just want to have my hair back in its original state instead of throwing my money into an endless pit of dyeing and then treatment and then dyeing again to cover up for the newly grown parts.
Same goes to my face. Whenever I go buy new products now, I tell the consultant, my goal is to eventually be able to have a flawless face that needs no makeup when I go out.
A flawless face is hard I know.. and as a women ages, ( sighs) no make-up is courage. But you got to work towards something...
At least I have a jet-black head of hair to boast about now.... ( whatever...)
Our conversation yesterday..
Part 1.
She received an email on dress code from HR.
I: I received an email from HR regarding dress code ( Yes, I know because I was CCed). Oh no.... what should I do?
K: ( In bewilderment..) Erm... Do you know what is wrong about your dressing then?
I: What??
K: Ok... to be very truthful, your skirt is too short. ( Micro Mini length, halfway up the lap. Think Japanese high school girls.)
I: What?!! Oh really?? ( she looks truly shocked) I didn't know that! Oh dear... this is so embarassing... Oh what should I do? ( mumbles non-stop to herself)
K: Well... get something longer? something that is at least knee length or well a little shorter is fine though. And yes... please take the scrunchy off your wrist, it is not exactly very professional looking.
I: oh.... my skirt is too short?? oh dear.. ( still harping on that??!!)
K: It's ok! Just wear something more appropriate tomorrow.
I: I must go home quietly late..
K: *rolls my eyes*
Part 2:
K: You look really tired, are you ok?
I: Is it?? I looked tired??
K: Oh well yes... you have been yawning and yawning for the whole day.
I: I was??? Oh no...
K: * a mixed of shock and amazement*
Part 3:
K: Erm... I think you better cut down on looking at sites not related to work. ( She was surfing every moment I wasn't looking or asking her ot do somethnig)
I: Opps? I am not supposed to??
K: well you can... personally I don't mind but it is against the company policy actually. So please be discreet and only do it when you have finish your work.
I: urgh.... ok
K: Well especially for you cus the managers are sitting at the back.
I: This is so scary!!!!
Is it only her or the japanese youngsters all like that? Lack of exposure is not the problem. she lacks common sense!
I am sure glad NUS did prepare us to a certain degree the basic rules of a working adult..
So you see... I was vomitting blood the whole day. If I was vomitting fats, I will gladly take her on.
Thumbs up email
found it pretty hilarious.
here goes
Dear World:
We, the United States of America, your top quality supplier of the ideals of liberty and democracy, would like to apologize for our 2001-2008 interruption in service. The technical fault that led to this eight-year service outage has been located, and the software responsible was replaced on November 4, 2008. Early tests of the newly installed program indicate that we are now operating correctly, and we expect to be fully functional on January 20, 2009. We regret any inconvenience caused by the outage. We look forward to resuming full service and hope to improve in years to come. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
And so... it got heavier..
After nearly half a year of juggling 2 person's job, ( I threw some away on the way)... The newbie finally came in last Wednesday.
In name, she is still an intern because she has to go for graduation ceremony, her graduation trip to Europe ( Young people... in this economy). She will officially be entering the company in April.
It should be a matter to rejoice about. But.... I am in dilema actually.
I do like her as a person. She is pleasant, she is sweet and she is a good girl.
But... you know when she makes me repeat and repeat myself for the hundredth time on the same topic, I just felt like slamming the notebook on her head. C'mon!! put your writing skills to work! I feel like telling her.
Of course I didn't. I didn't want to scare her away. After all, I am already so tire out by taking on 2 people's work with the pay of one. ( the latter being the point)
Yesterday.... I spent the whole day explaining certain concepts to her. Drew diagrams, spoke using the simplest terms I can. I made sure I stopped at every interval to make sure she understood what I said. And her answer was, she had NO questions. To top it all, she even said that it was all so easy to understand, easier than her expectations.
So i demonstrated how to do the job once and gave her 3 tries after that to do it.
To my dismay.... she failed utterly at EVERY attempt.. Not once, twice but thrice?????
Today she had the fourth chance.. and.. she made mistakes again!????
FYI, it was something really easy. I had the steps printed out for her to follow.. ( which she obviously ignored)
Please tell me how to deal with such people!!!
And so....
I have to juggle 2 people's job.
I have a sore throat actually from talking so much at work.
And I have to monitor her every action because she can't be left alone.
I just want to go home to sleep..........................
The only saving Grace if any....
I am going my beloved aiba chan's stage tomorrow.
It is a stage play adopted from a English movie i think. Green Fingers.Check it out!