
The truth about guys

Today my guy friend shared with me a little on what guys think about.

He said that guys like to think they are the best in the world. If he is a father, he would like to think that he is the best daddy, if he is a husband, he will to think that he is the most loving husband.. and it goes on.
Being the best father also means you are the most handsome guy in your kids' and wife's heart. Men like to think that they are ultraman and while they might forget "little things" like anniversaries or to put down the toilet seat after they are done, they will definitely be around to rescue their damsels in distress.

If you start to praise other guys in front of them ( only as a matter of fact) they will think begin to compare themselves unnecessarily to that guy.

His final word on this topic. Don't say Batmans are better in front of Ultramans.

1 comment:

CaroLIne said...

i m going to test it out on mj