They call it the 干物女 in Japanese, Hi-mono-onna. It describes a lady in her twenties-thirties who has “dried up” and is like that of a dried-fish. Think 魚干.
What qualifies one to be a Himono-onna? Check off the list below. It is not exhaustive.
1. No bra or make-up on weekends
2. Wear jerseys at home ( or in Singapore context, big and baggy t-shirts with food stains, holes, pockets hanging out of shorts)
3. Not interested in romantic relationships
4. Rather then to socialize in her free time, stay at home and watch TV or read mangas
5. Reply to mails in short replies or simply too lazy to reply
6. Drink beer out from the can or juices out of the bottles (too lazy to pour in cups)
7. Eat instant noodles out of the pot itself or sometimes, stand at the sink to eat
8. “Troublesome lah” or “ ma-fan” is one of your favourite phrase.
9. You only remove your hair from unwanted areas in summer ( hmm not very applicable in Singapore)
10. When you forget something after you put on your shoes, you will crawl back into the house to take it on your knees
11. You talk to the TV when you are home alone
12. You wear your clothes straight from the clothes dryer or even before you can fold them
13. You have not had a conversation with a man ( other than your colleague or family-related people) for more than 10 minutes in the past 1 month
14. You think it is troublesome to read through this list.
15. You realized it yourself too that you find it troublesome to read this list.
And it goes on….
And… I think I see myself it in. opps…
Actually this term “came to live” after a drama called Hotaru no Hikari. It is really interesting…. It is about a young lady in her twenties who is well-dressed and capable at work but when she goes home, she is a total changed person because her house is untidy, she hangs and throws her things all over the place… and too lazy to fall in love…
The reason why they used the term dried up to describe such a person is because, the image of a young and vital lady is one who is full of “water”, moisturized from head to toe.
I was talking to a Japanese guy friend last week and when I asked him if he can accept his wife wearing jerseys at home, he was like no… then I asked him, what does he expect her to wear, he said jeans.
Jeans at home??! Was the reaction of most of the ladies…
What a gap… I have to say to Men in generally. Especially Men who are thinking of marrying Japanese girls. The pretty, sweet, all dolled-up even at home ones are non-exsistence anymore. Please wake up! Don’t expect us to be all made up and be at your beck and call! We need to relax and be at our most comfortable state at home!
And…. We don’t want to be perspiring in summer in our jeans too.
1. 0+X: only no makeup on weekends.
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0
5. 0+X: Depends on whose email
6. X: How to drink hot tea from teapot??
7. X
8. 0: "Lazy lah!" "No time lah!"
9. X: Yep, impossible in hot SG.
10. X
11. X
12. X+O: Depends on the type of clothes and situation.
13. 0
14. X
15. X
Hmm...8 0s and 10 Xs out of 15qn... so half-dried 干物女 here? LOL~~
But who cares if we're 干物女? At least we get to keep for a longer period of time since we're 干物 ;-P
haaaaa trust u to be positive!
next time i will use that as an asnwer!
ホタルノヒカリ1はとっても人気があるので今回のpart 2~台湾も一緒に放送するよ!
Yes! It's me !
^^ 正真正銘の麗子だよ!
As you know my english is very...>.<
So answer's waiting for long time.
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