An interesting experience^^
I was....
scouted by a shop to model their clothes!
Of course, its target consumer group are not skinny, anaemic babes wanna-be but the so-called bigger girls. Plus size clothings!
The boss or person-in charge apparently saw my photos on facebook through one of our common friends and she and her staff liked how I look.
To keep the records straight, their clothes are supposed to be for the young and fashionable and not for the shapeless aunties.. ( ah -hem.. )
Haa.... dunno how and what was the yardstick used to judge that.
But too bad for us, I am not in Singapore so I couldn't take up the offer!
I actually have had thoughts of modelling for plus size clothings.. not that I think I am model material but just wanted to try how it feels like to be all made-up by professionals. SO think more of a photo-shoot thing.
Okies... so FB is also a potential place to be scouted. Hope more of such chances, in which I can actually try out will come my way in the future too!
I'm back!
Especially when I was stuck at the windowless wall side. I was too paiseh to ask the persom beside me to move so I only went to the toilet once in the 7 hrs on flight. =(
But I just love the weather in Singapore so much! so much better that the freezing cold that eats into your bones in Tokyo.
And the food is good and cheap!
On the flight, I entertained myself with watching one of my favourite variety shows first. But I couldn't stifle my laughter so I thought I better stop before I disturb the person beside me or make a fool of myself...
So I switched to watching movies. I managed to watch about 1 and 3/4 of the other. ( couldn't finish it in time for landing!) Coincidentally it was movies on letters. Both were Japanese. Both were touching that I couldn't stop tearing as well..
well well... back in my beloved singapore!
Kamisake Mou sukoshi dake

Somehow, dunno what came over me and I thought I will watch this drama again.
Wow.... 12 years passed just like this.
I remembered I was so crazy over their fashion.... but when I watched it again, I couldn't laughing at how "lao tu" they are now. It was also quite funny to see how the female lead ( Fukada Kyoto) was so young then. But in reality, she has the exact same birthday as me. ( Same day, month and year) so looking at her 12 years ago is similar to thinking about the me 12 years ago.
One thing that never changed. Kaneshiro Takeshi is still so handsome! I was squealing here and there while watching it.
If I am not wrong, the friend who introduced me to Fukuda Kyoto was chunz my good friend. ( chunz: surprised?!) Yah now I think back, it was her who first introduced me to watch Oni No sumika ( with kelly chen) cus, in her words, " got many mei-nus!" I did and then I became a Fukuda Kyoto fan thereafter... In fact I think my brother and his friend also went gaga together with us over the drama.
Anyway, just one thing I wanted share about what came up in the show that I thought was really wise.
The female lead ( who contracted AIDS) attempted suicide after she saw some other lady kissing Keigo ( Kaneshiro). She felt that no one cared about her ( including her mother who is having an extra-marital affair) and that no one will care even if she dies.
When Keigo heard that, he lashed it out at her saying, " You have been too pampered. Human are not as simple as you think they are. They do not only have 1 single thing that is important to them. Your pride is hurt just because you think you are not being treated as the MOST important one with TOP priority".
Opps... as usual without the gift of the pen, I think I am not doing enough justice to where he said. ( trust me, I had to pause the drama for like 10 seconds just to ponder on what he said and also to wipe my saliva away)
Not to point fingers at anyone nor any situation. Can you all identify with this? Like having a partner who seems to hang out more with some other friends, parents who seem to focus their attention more on another sibling or friends who would could never spare the time to meet up. Of course there are people who are plain lazy to socialise etc... I think this is a good reminder to us that as everyone of us are juggling more than a single important issue or people in our lives. In fact, everyone is important in their way, unique in their own value. No one is replacable by anyone else in the world! Or at least I think so. None of my friends will ever be replaced someone else.
Talking about.... a upcoming wedding reminded me of all the good friends I have and treasured. I was imagining.... fantasizing about the day I should get married. I feel so blessed that despite being really hopeless in most things ( no gifting in talking, drawing or performing...) God has placed so many talents around me. People whom I can arrow to coordinate the wedding, be Emcee, organise the guests, decorate, give ideas... I can also have a multi-national wedding with people flying in from all parts of the world... mixed children to be page boy or flower girl (kao ni le xiao bai!)
I can think of who will be my side helping me memorising my wedding vows or giving the best friend speech on stage.
problem is....
no candidate for the important role of the groom yet!
Step and Go^^
There are many meanings to the word Go. It could literally mean Going to many places physically, stepping out of comfort zones into new frontiers mentally...
Somehow I just want to travel and move around a lot this year. I was reminded of real-life story I saw on TV about this Japanese lady who contracted a terminal illness. She was told that she only had about 6 months to live. Instead of using that time for treatment, she chose to travel around Japan to visit her friends for the last time.
This is something I want to do too... Not that I have any terminal disease. But somehow this year, I do want to visit friends overseas ( really missed some friends!) And when I thought of making a list, I realised I DO have many friends overseas all over the place.
*people, start to make space for me when I go over!*
I want to travel with my good friends too! I was planning to do so last year but it didn't really get to pass.
So first on my list, I have my oldest buddies ( known them for like 18-20 years) coming to Tokyo in about 2 weeks' time.
Then I have also gone ahead to book my trip to Seoul end Mar ( sorry Carol!! Take this trip as a recee, we'll definitely go again together! And Im als saving my US trip for you!)
And I so much want to show my good friends around in Japan, this country which I so love... those who have gotten my invitation please take it up! Free accomodate and guide, who else provides so good service!
What Arashi taught me
A few days, the 5 of them went on a quiz show which tests them things on Kanji ( Japanese chinese character, both reading and writing), current affairs, general knowledge and even English. They were pitting against 2 groups, the regulars ( who have a pretty high rate of winning) and a group of quiz show regular intellectuals.
Anyway, Johnny boys ( arashi's talent agency) ain't famous for producing pretty boys with brains. Most of them are just high grads, dropouts..
Seriously speaking, from just the looks of it, they were really against the odds with just one single University graduate whom they were all depending on. To top it off, they had 2 bakas (my dear ohno kun included) who literally didn't know the answer to most questions.
But... they proved us wrong. Half wrong actually because the 2 bakas indeed produced no correct answer but many comic relief though. The Uni grad, Sho was perfoming up to expectations. Who really surprised us all was Mr Domyouji ( or Dao Ming Si ) in Japan's Hana Yori Dango, Jun kun who actually correctly answered like 5-6 questions on his own ( it is like relay) to give the group a perfect score on one of the segments.
Of course Nino, the hollywood star who also gave the group a big booast by clearing half of the Kanji questions segment.
Their scores were very close to the intelletual team towards the end and my friend who was watching it sms me to tell me she is so nervous for them that she is actually tearing! To that, I replied, "No worries, they are not going to lose! Even if they did, they had done their best!"
I think the second sentence sounds really normal to most of you out there... but it just dawned upon me how pesismistic or lack of confidence at times I can be. This sentence to me is not so much of a recognition of the good fight put up but more of the " there is a possibility we will lose so we should just take a step back on our expectations".
But sometimes, or at least for myself, I think I must learn not to deal with the possibility of a failure ( ironically) but to firmly believe that there can only be success. After all we all fight to win don't we? Why bother to put up a fight and still let there be any room for failure.
Let failure be another issue ( and btw, everyone defines failure differently as well) to be dealt with when it comes.
So... in that spilt second, Arashi taught me to just trust and believe for nothing less than a win. I erased the second statement and sent out the message to my friend.
And of course, our baka boys miraculously won over the other 2 groups!
And yeah, a UNI degree is just a piece of paper lying around if the knowledge you attained isn't put into any use at all.
it's 2010^^

Jin ~仁~, the title of the drama I spent my new year holidays watching. Oh yes by the way, for those I informed I was going back to Singapore end of year, there is a change of plans and at the current time of 1/2, 18:23(+GMT9) I am still in Tokyo.
This is a drama I highly recommend this season. Besides the fabulous cast they have, ( not so much for being famous or what but more for their acting skills and on-screen chemistry) I think the plot was really interesting and engaging. ( ML, watch it!)
The story is about a doctor, Minagata Jin who lives in the modern time 2009. He is a skillful doctor but refuses to do complicated operations because of a failed one 3 years back which caused his fiancee(Miki) to be in a coma.
In a stange occurance one day, he was transported back in time into the Edo period, where he began to use his modern-day knowledge to treat illnesses which was considered incurable back then. ( like cholera, doing operations to remove growth etc) However, everytime he does something, (which he only realised later) also means causing a change in something or someone's life in the future. This change is illustrated by a photo he took with Miki which he had on him all the time. The original photo was of both of them taken in the hospital bedroom before Miki went into the Op room. However with each action he took to change history, the photo was changed into other scenes, different poses or at times with Miki fading.
One thing I deeply felt from the drama was how a small or seemingly trivial action or decison is actually paving the path we are going to progress on.
I was reminded of a few good friends I had... If I hadn't gone into Nanyang Girls', would I still have met them? If I hadn't choose that subject combi, would we have been in the same class?
Then I thought of NUS... If I hadn't met the friend who jio me to learn Japanese with her, would I be in Japan now.... and If I hadn't choose to go to JJC, would I have known her? And if my parents didn't choose to stay in Jurong would I have gone to JJC?
So.... I being in Japan could be a result of a decision made by my parents even before I was even born?
It is a never-ending question to ask I guess. To question about why and how each person was brought into my life. To think about what if I took the "other" path instead. But there is also another thing that I have learnt. That is my every decision now might also affect the other lives to come in the future. (even if I do not get married or have children)
Recently, I felt a little upset by certain someone. The treatment I got from the person ( or so I feel) makes me feel that I am not what this person says I am to him/her. So I thought maybe I should take the initiative to contact this person instead to show my concern. But yah... I ended with some dirt on my nose kinda of thing.
But thinking back, maybe I had measured our relationship to what the world defines it. I looked at other people and thought, yah... this is the way I should be treated if you say I am " this" to you.
This doesn't mean I am not upset nor can completely let it go. I would just say, I take a backseat and just let him/her decisions pave the path for our relationship.
But still I am thankful for these people and many more I have met, got to known in my 20 over years alive. Thankful for the little decisions that created many wonderful relationships, decisions that paved the road I am on.
So... this is a period to make resolutions and decisons I guess? Happy 2010 and do challenge yourselves with a meaning this year!