Somehow, dunno what came over me and I thought I will watch this drama again.
Wow.... 12 years passed just like this.
I remembered I was so crazy over their fashion.... but when I watched it again, I couldn't laughing at how "lao tu" they are now. It was also quite funny to see how the female lead ( Fukada Kyoto) was so young then. But in reality, she has the exact same birthday as me. ( Same day, month and year) so looking at her 12 years ago is similar to thinking about the me 12 years ago.
One thing that never changed. Kaneshiro Takeshi is still so handsome! I was squealing here and there while watching it.
If I am not wrong, the friend who introduced me to Fukuda Kyoto was chunz my good friend. ( chunz: surprised?!) Yah now I think back, it was her who first introduced me to watch Oni No sumika ( with kelly chen) cus, in her words, " got many mei-nus!" I did and then I became a Fukuda Kyoto fan thereafter... In fact I think my brother and his friend also went gaga together with us over the drama.
Anyway, just one thing I wanted share about what came up in the show that I thought was really wise.
The female lead ( who contracted AIDS) attempted suicide after she saw some other lady kissing Keigo ( Kaneshiro). She felt that no one cared about her ( including her mother who is having an extra-marital affair) and that no one will care even if she dies.
When Keigo heard that, he lashed it out at her saying, " You have been too pampered. Human are not as simple as you think they are. They do not only have 1 single thing that is important to them. Your pride is hurt just because you think you are not being treated as the MOST important one with TOP priority".
Opps... as usual without the gift of the pen, I think I am not doing enough justice to where he said. ( trust me, I had to pause the drama for like 10 seconds just to ponder on what he said and also to wipe my saliva away)
Not to point fingers at anyone nor any situation. Can you all identify with this? Like having a partner who seems to hang out more with some other friends, parents who seem to focus their attention more on another sibling or friends who would could never spare the time to meet up. Of course there are people who are plain lazy to socialise etc... I think this is a good reminder to us that as everyone of us are juggling more than a single important issue or people in our lives. In fact, everyone is important in their way, unique in their own value. No one is replacable by anyone else in the world! Or at least I think so. None of my friends will ever be replaced someone else.
Talking about.... a upcoming wedding reminded me of all the good friends I have and treasured. I was imagining.... fantasizing about the day I should get married. I feel so blessed that despite being really hopeless in most things ( no gifting in talking, drawing or performing...) God has placed so many talents around me. People whom I can arrow to coordinate the wedding, be Emcee, organise the guests, decorate, give ideas... I can also have a multi-national wedding with people flying in from all parts of the world... mixed children to be page boy or flower girl (kao ni le xiao bai!)
I can think of who will be my side helping me memorising my wedding vows or giving the best friend speech on stage.
problem is....
no candidate for the important role of the groom yet!
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