
What Arashi taught me

AH hem---- So yes I want to talk about my favourite artiste group Arashi.

A few days, the 5 of them went on a quiz show which tests them things on Kanji ( Japanese chinese character, both reading and writing), current affairs, general knowledge and even English. They were pitting against 2 groups, the regulars ( who have a pretty high rate of winning) and a group of quiz show regular intellectuals.

Anyway, Johnny boys ( arashi's talent agency) ain't famous for producing pretty boys with brains. Most of them are just high grads, dropouts..

Seriously speaking, from just the looks of it, they were really against the odds with just one single University graduate whom they were all depending on. To top it off, they had 2 bakas (my dear ohno kun included) who literally didn't know the answer to most questions.

But... they proved us wrong. Half wrong actually because the 2 bakas indeed produced no correct answer but many comic relief though. The Uni grad, Sho was perfoming up to expectations. Who really surprised us all was Mr Domyouji ( or Dao Ming Si ) in Japan's Hana Yori Dango, Jun kun who actually correctly answered like 5-6 questions on his own ( it is like relay) to give the group a perfect score on one of the segments.

Of course Nino, the hollywood star who also gave the group a big booast by clearing half of the Kanji questions segment.

Their scores were very close to the intelletual team towards the end and my friend who was watching it sms me to tell me she is so nervous for them that she is actually tearing! To that, I replied, "No worries, they are not going to lose! Even if they did, they had done their best!"

I think the second sentence sounds really normal to most of you out there... but it just dawned upon me how pesismistic or lack of confidence at times I can be. This sentence to me is not so much of a recognition of the good fight put up but more of the " there is a possibility we will lose so we should just take a step back on our expectations".

But sometimes, or at least for myself, I think I must learn not to deal with the possibility of a failure ( ironically) but to firmly believe that there can only be success. After all we all fight to win don't we? Why bother to put up a fight and still let there be any room for failure.
Let failure be another issue ( and btw, everyone defines failure differently as well) to be dealt with when it comes.

So... in that spilt second, Arashi taught me to just trust and believe for nothing less than a win. I erased the second statement and sent out the message to my friend.

And of course, our baka boys miraculously won over the other 2 groups!

And yeah, a UNI degree is just a piece of paper lying around if the knowledge you attained isn't put into any use at all.

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