
Fuji Q- Highland...

Very very very very FUN!!!! Contrary to it's small size. It had really good attractions!

The world's longest and highest roller coaster, The fastest jet coaster. The longest and very scary haunted house and well with a fantastic view of Mt Fuji!

We all agree the trip to Fuji was a test of the limits of every part of our body. First it was our limbs then at Fuji Q highland it was our heart- our courage!

The haunted house was apparently so scary that one of my friends exited halfway haa... so leaving So, Emmi and I to complete the walk screaming all the way togther. Yes. The guys screamed so loudly too.

Jet coasters. I just shut my eyes throughout... too exciting! Can you imagine the fastest one goes up to 172km/h in just 1.8 seconds??

WOoh.... but I love the place. Great fun!

Our Jet coaster photo. -Fujiyama

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In the haunted hospital...

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The world's highest and longest coaster. 3.5 minutes long...

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