
Last Party for emi chan!

We had the very very last party last friday for emi before he flew off back to France. In his drunken stupor a few weeks before, he made a promise to make french cuisine for us so everyone was looking forward to it. Well he was pretty game so he agreed to carry out with the deal. That made him (and me) really busy. He was running around getting Jan to share with him his recipe (Jan's a great cook!), gathering all the spices and making trips to the supermarket late at night, dragging me along. ( the supermarkets here closes at 12). But anyway to be on the safe side, a few of us, including me, Frederik ( a Sweden guy in my class), Sandra ( a Czech girl) decided to contribute to the food since well, we were expecting quite a number of people.

But all in all, Emi managed to get the food done! 3 cheers to him. It was some kind of beef stew. And really as what french cuisine is just like, he had to dunk all the beef into a whole of red wine for a day before it was done. I nearly fainted at that... haaa

But well, party of course many weird games played again.. Including my famous Hello Kitty Masquerade party and this time round changing heads around. Don't get what I mean? Look at the pictures then!

Emi the french chef in action! *look at my dirty kitchen*

The even great mess when everyone came over to prepare food! arrggggghhh =D

All of us! Ehh... and my long arms

The Hello Kitty fair comes on! Presenting the summer edition!

And the great body changing sessions!

Ok enough of the digusting pictures.. you get the idea don't you... heee

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