
My new ( killer) hobby

I developed a rather “bad” and expensive hobby recently…
I actually travelled to Seoul twice in a short span of 2 weeks.

Actually, I wouldn’t say it was a recent thing. I have always loved Korea (read FOOD) since I came to Japan. (Rather strange to start liking Korea in Japan) But I attribute that to the huge numbers of Korean restaurants and cuisines which is so readily available. Especially in the area I stay in, it is mah jiam a small Korean town and I could so easily have Korean food whenever I feel like it.
Carol could attest to how much I love Korean food when she was staying with me for the 1.5 years. I think out of 10 times I suggested going out for food, 7 was Korean, 1 was onyasai and 2 others.

So anyway, visiting Seoul last year opened my eyes to the great shopping too! I heard from somewhere that Koreans direct their energy into basic skin while the Japanese direct theirs into the cosmetics. I couldn’t agree more. Korea is just flooded with skin care shops with all sorts of things you can imagine applying onto your face. I am definitely in their camp. I love basic skincare and is probably the most disciplined (among the other aspects in my life) when it comes to skincare. In fact my motto is to have such a good regime and healthy skin that I can lay off cosmetics. (Ironically, it becomes increasingly difficult when you age)

Then there is also the cheap shopping which is similar to pasar malam but only in a more organized and enjoyable environment (read indoors with adequate air-conditioning). I have admit they can be aggressive and scary at times but nothing too offensive like some other places I have been to as well.

Ok.. the next thing I have to do is to introduce my buys.. next post!

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