
New year thoughts...

Why thoughts and not resolutions?

Because to me they are pretty much the same. Not in the English sense of the word but how I live my life.
I pretty much do what I want to do and I make sure I do it. Vice versa, I don't do what I don't want to do.
Challenges and experiments are fun and good. But I don't just want to try something for the sake of doing it.
So some thoughts came to my mind these few days as the past year's memories flashed in my mind.

1. I want to take courage to do things I want to do.
Pretty often, I let things go and chances past because I fear of what is in store for me. It can be as easy as wanting to ask someone a question or asking for a favour, to doing something which I think I cannot. So in this year, I want to train myself to be more courageous and daring!

2. To pay less attention to the "eyes" around me.
I was alerted to this fact last night at the concert. I was sitting beside a group of girls from different fan clubs. Arashi, Kinki, Kanjyani etc.... and they only stood up and cheer for the groups they like. When other artistes were performing, they simply sat down and chat among themselves.
I have no right to criticise them though so I will leave it as it is. But it is my principle not to do that to other artistes though they are not Arashi (heee). I think it is only respect to also cheer for them when they are performing, after all all of them make up Johnny's! So anyway, I was pretty much standing and cheering for all of them all the time so well, I do stick out like a sore thumb at times, ( if only shin was around too....) But as I continued to cheer and wave my penlight, I was convinced I am doing the right thing. I am there to enjoy every part of the concert and not just Arashi's performance only right!
This principle can also be applied to other things in life isn't it? Majority isn't always correct. And doing what you think is correct ties with point 1 above. Courage and Confidence.

3. Not to let anyone who needs help go past me again.
Wrote this in earlier blogs how I am always to slow to act. This year, I shall train my brain to work in line with the body.

4. To experience Japan to the fullest! Concerts, more travelling and fun!! ( hee work is only my means of survival). I am not afraid to say my private time comes before work. To prepare for what might come in 2009, I will do everything I want to do in 2008.

My motto in 2009: A year with no regrets 悔いなしの2008過ごしようぜ

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