
Trials and Errors~~

I tried to make some chicken porridge last week.

My first attempt in my 2X years of living...

And I succeeded! It tasted really good ( at least in my opinion...) was healthy, ( no extras condiments of salt of whatsoever) and it was smooth too!
I better jot down the recipe in my notebook.

Actually there isn't much recipe to follow anyway, I just boiled some chicken breast meat with ginger, red-dates, dried scallops for 45 mins, oh yes carrots too to provide some vege and sweetness to the soup. Remove the chicken and then poured some rice in to cook for another 20-30 mins.

I tried to fry bee-hoon last week as well and I received positive comments from my colleagues. And they ask me if I liked to cook, did I learn from anyone etc....

The answer is No... Cooking is not my hobby so to speak. I do not hate it though. But it is just a means of survival to me because seriously speaking, it is too expensive and unhealthy to eat out everyday!
My mother was really worried if I can survived overseas alone when I first announced my plans to come to Japan. And I remembered telling her then, human have strong survival instincts, they will somehow learn how to do something if that determines they can survive or not.

So... some people out there may think this person is so brave to go overseas alone, so independent, can do this or that... think again, who is born with such skills? Everyone of us probably started with zero and then somehow worked our way out.
Just like how a baby will scream when they need something, or eventually learn to walk because they desire to move around, I believe too when you are put into a situation which you just have to do something so as to survive, you probably will.

So anyway having said that.... I am going off to iron my clothes, clean the house and prepare my bento for tomorrow~~~

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