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About my wound....

I finally got round to my senses and decided I should go see a doctor in case of any possible infection.

It was quite funny how the men at my workplace reacted. They all trembled in fear when I looked like I was going to open up the bandage to show them my wound. My manager argued, men are naturally terrified of blood because they don't see it as much as women do. My colleague and I looked at each other and burst out laughing... that's true! To us, it is a monthly affair, what you call 家常便飯。

So anyway, when I got to the doctor, the blood has already clotted so there was just slight bleeding from removing the bandage. So the doctor told me he was going to first disinfect it and then apply some cream. He told me to get ready because it was going hurt in the process, to which I held my breath and got ready for the pain. But guess what?

It didn't hurt AT ALL!

In fact, I felt nothing at all and I was like "huh? what's that false alarm for?" Got me all nervous for nothing.

He also prescribed pain-killers, ( no need loh!!) and pills to ease the gastric as it is one of the possible side-effect for the pain-killers ( really extra!!) sighz... I should have told the administrator I do not need the above 2 at all.

So now... in order to regain my beautiful finger, I need to religiously clean and disinfect my wound daily till new skin appears...

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