
A Merry Christmas posting...

Merry Christmas to all!

It's a beautiful morning here as I wake up to a sunny day with clear skies. Well, the weather is still a little too cold for me, my throat still itchy from the cold I caught last week but it is a great day nevertheless!

I got up and called home to wish my family Merry Christmas. Great to hear my mum's cheery voice over the phone. She told me they just had a party at one of my relatives place. So fun! Wish I was there too!

But anyway, it will not be a lonely christmas for me here. I will be going to a friend's house for party later. But of course the main reason for Christmas is not just about finding places to party or wondering what to buy as gifts or what to eat.

The real reason for Christmas is to remember again how Jesus came in flesh 2000 years ago. Born in a manger to be with us. He came with love, only to carry our sins on himself to the cross. As I was thinking about this last night, my heart became really warm again. The past few days hasn't been too great for me, as I have sort of mentioned in my blog. But I see there is no reason for me not to rejoice over Christ's triumph over death! Praise Be to Christ!

Ok... after Christmas I will be expecting Carol from Tokyo. From there, we will be going on a little adventure.. Going Hiroshima I think. But probably just on JR trains and no Shinkansen! It is always something I wanna try.... to just sit in trains for hours and travel like nobody's business. I am doing it!!!

WIll update u all on how it goes!

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