
I felt immensely cold on the train on the way to the airport...but I dismissed it for anything amiss. ( I was about to say felt immense "cold".. but to set the records right, there is no such thing such as cold. It is just the absence of heat.)

Then I happily shopped in the airport for about an hour grabbing the last few things I was asked to buy....

Then I cleared the customs, to revealed a giant window in front of me. ( yeah, now that I realised that ain't windows anywhere else in the airport) And I panicked! My first reaction "Maji kai yo??!! Yabei.... ( which roughly translates to can"t be for real right?)

Wait it is not the windows I am raving about. It was the heavy snowfall outside. How could it snow on me??? I need to go home!!! Snow= Possible Cancellation of flights!

I sat myself down and started to pray immediately. Told God I need to go home! I need to be in time for reunion dinner tonight!

Then I called my friend who is taking another flight in another terminal. She was panicking too but all she told me was to pray.

Then I received an msg from her 15 mins later. "Thank God! The flight is delayed for only half hour"

I replied back "God wants to assure us He is real even in such circumstances. My flight is carried forward 10 mins instead!!"

My heart is filled with thanksgiving. My God is bigger than any storms or make it snowstorms out there. My God hears me and He knows my anxieties. Hooray I am home safe sound!

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